Museum Leuven


Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 28, 3000 Leuven · Oud Stadscentrum, LEUVEN, Belgium

District level recommended in Leuven, Belgium

Historic Art Collection

The very beginning of M is to be found at the town hall in Leuven. That is where, in 1823, an 18th century cabinet of curiosities began an evolution that would take almost 200 years, resulting in a municipal museum.

The actual museum features a private collection of approximately 46.000.
M-Museum Leuven was the laureate of the museum-and audience award of the Flemish Award 2011.

Sight - Nr. 5 ranked on the 17 Best Sights in the district LEUVEN


Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 28
3000 Leuven · Oud Stadscentrum,
District: LEUVEN, Belgium

Tel: +32(0)16 22 69 06


M LEUVEN, Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 28, 3000 Leuven · Oud Stadscentrum, District: LEUVEN, Belgium

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